7 Techniques to generate fresh essay ideas

essay writing


Writing an essay is a process that can be very challenging at times, especially when you are facing deadline pressure. However, there are ways to overcome the difficulty of writing essays and make it easier for yourself. One way is by creating fresh ideas through brainstorming or taking notes on things you see around you. In this article we will show 7 tips on how to generate new ideas for your essays!

1. Talk to someone about your essay

Whether it’s a friend, family member or teacher, talking about the work you’ve done can help you see what works and what doesn’t, and how those ideas could be applied in other contexts. Plus, if you do this with someone who knows all about writing essays (and isn’t just doing it for practice), they’ll likely give good advice on how to improve your work–and maybe even point out areas where there are holes or redundancies in what you’ve written!

You can also talk to your teacher. If you’re working on an essay for school, it’s a good idea to ask your teacher if they have any feedback or advice for you. They’ll likely be able to point out areas where there are problems with what you’ve written (including how it sounds) and offer suggestions on how to fix them.

2. Read through your previous work

This is a great technique because it allows you to see how much of the same material has been covered before, and how well you have done that material. If there are any specific topics or points that seem like they could be covered again in another essay or paper, then this method provides an easy way to generate fresh ideas for those topics by looking at what other writers have done with them before.


This is a great research technique because it allows you to see where the same material has been covered before. If there are any specific topics or points that seem like they could be covered again in another essay or paper, then this method provides an easy way to generate fresh ideas for those topics by looking at what other writers have done with them before.

3. Refine your approach

One of the most important things to remember when writing an essay is that it is not just about what you want it to be, but also what the teacher wants it to be. This can help you avoid some of the same mistakes that people make when they first start out: not knowing how long their essays should be or whether they’re doing enough research or not. If there’s one thing I would say about this method, it’s that once again we don’t want our work to become over-complicated and hard-to-read rather than interesting and engaging–so let’s keep things simple!

4. Listen out for new essay writing ideas

  • Listen out for new essay writing ideas through radio and podcasts, read books, read magazines and blogs.

It’s amazing what you can learn when you pay attention. If you have a good idea for an essay, write it down.

5. Surround yourself with different sources of inspiration

  • The internet is full of information, so it’s important to keep an eye out for different sources. For example, you could read an inspirational quote from someone like Oprah Winfrey or Muhammad Ali in your spare time or listen to music that inspires you (like Coldplay). This will help you find new ways to think about your topic and give you ideas for writing about it!
  • The next step is to organize your thoughts. Before you start writing, jot down a few ideas about what you want to say in your essay. You can use sticky notes or index cards for this purpose. You could also create a mind map, which will help you visualize how everything fits together.


6. Think about why you write essays in the first place?

If you’re like most students, the reason you write essays is to get the most out of your college experience. You want to learn something new and challenge yourself, grow as a person and develop skills that will be useful in the future. However, one way or another, we all tend to fall into certain patterns when it comes to writing essays: we pick topics that are interesting and relevant but also easy for us; we write about things we know well because this makes it easier for us; or sometimes (if our teacher assigns a topic) even if there’s nothing special about it at all—we just go along with what he/she says because otherwise he/she’ll mark down that essay as “unreadable.”

7. Reviews are very helpful for getting fresh ideas for writing an essay

If you are stuck on your essay and need a fresh idea, reviews are a great way to get ideas. The internet has many sources of reviews that can help you with your writing process.

You can find reviews on the internet by searching for “reviews” or “book review” in Google search bar and then click on any results that show up. You can also ask your friends for feedback on your work or look at magazine articles that have been written about different books or authors, then use these as inspiration for your own work!


We hope that these tips will help you generate new essay ideas! The most important thing is to keep going and not give up. Take the time to talk about your ideas with someone, read through previous work or even ask for feedback from a friend who has experience in writing essays. We have also included some resources on our website that can help you get started in this exciting area of study.

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