The cost of each assignment is based on factors such as academic level, number of pages, and urgency. Providing all necessary information and clearly outlining your order will make the process easier and more efficient for our writers. A clear order is more likely to result in a paper that meets all of your requirements.
Please note that our writers are unable to gather primary data for your academic work using methods such as questionnaires, interviews, focus groups, observations, or others due to geographical and time/resource constraints. However, if these methods are essential for your academic work, our writers will be happy to assist you in creating questionnaires and analyzing and discussing the results.
Yes, we do offer a money-back guarantee. To learn more about the terms and conditions of this guarantee, please visit our dedicated Money-Back Guarantee webpage.
Our website utilizes high-security SSL encryption for data protection and all payments are processed through reputable financial institutions such as PayPal or Verifone. These payment partners are legally registered and have a proven track record of successful money transfers for individuals and businesses over the years. Once you have filled out the order form, you will be directed to our payment partner's website where you will be provided with instructions to easily complete the payment for our services. Within a few minutes of completing the payment, we will receive the funds and begin work on your order to provide you with top-quality academic assistance.